Posted: December 15, 2023
Colorado Springs and the surrounding Pikes Peak region offer no shortage of memorable experiences that are sure to compliment any…
Updated: November 1, 2023
Guest Post by Jeff Wolin - Florissant Fossil Beds Lead Interpreter
1.) It's the closest National Park Service unit to Colorado Springs. Not to mention, a beautiful drive
2.) Did you know that redwood trees once lived in what is now Colorado? You can see some of the largest petrified tree stumps in the world at Florissant Fossil Beds.
3.) Tired of crowded hiking trails? Florissant Fossil Beds has 14 miles of easy to moderate hiking trails that have not quite been discovered yet. The park even conducts regularly scheduled, "Hikes for Your Health" just to show them off.
4.) It's family friendly with a free Junior Ranger program where kids can earn a Junior Ranger badge and patch.
5.) Enjoy a quiet picnic by a babbling stream at the Barksdale Picnic area.
6.) A fly on a rock. Yes, can you imagine a fly on a rock? A fossil fly to be exact. Florissant Fossil Beds protects one of the richest fossil deposits in the world and you can see many insect and plant fossils inside the Visitor Center.
7.) Florissant Fossil Beds is close enough to Colorado Springs to make it an easy drive, yet far enough to get away from the big city lights. In other words, it is a great place to look at the stars and the park hosts regular star programs.
8.) Friendly Rangers: The Florissant Fossil Beds ranger staff is happy and excited to help you connect to the park and have an enjoyable visit. Ranger-guided programs are offered throughout the year.
9.) You are part owner. Since Florissant Fossil Beds is part of the national park system, that means that Florissant is partly yours. Please leave everything you see in the park as it belongs to everyone and future generations.
10.) A new, state-of-the-art visitor center with hands-on exhibits, a film and a bookstore.
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