Fencing for Beginners
March 11, 2025 6:00 PM –7:00 PM
11795 Grand Lawn Circle
| Colorado Springs, CO | 80924
Admission: $55-$120 includes use of any equipment needed for the class.
To register for youth classes: https://www.frontrangefencingclub.com/classes-for-children-1
To register for teen or adult classes: https://www.frontrangefencingclub.com/classes-for-adults
Event Summary
Monthly classes are available for children ages 6 -14 at Front Range Fencing Club.
Students need only wear gym pants, gym shoes, and a t-shirt.
Note that class size is limited and usually fills early.
Intermediate and advanced on-going classes and competitive lessons are offered.
Also Occurs On
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Tuesday, April 8
- Wednesday, April 9
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
- Tuesday, April 22
- Wednesday, April 23
- Tuesday, April 29
- Wednesday, April 30
- Tuesday, May 6
- Wednesday, May 7
- Tuesday, May 13
- Wednesday, May 14
- Tuesday, May 20
- Wednesday, May 21
- Tuesday, May 27
- Wednesday, May 28