Kids In The Cabin
March 16, 2025 1:00 PM –2:00 PM
2408 W Colorado Ave
| Colorado Springs, CO | 80904
Admission: Suggested donation is $5 per family.
Event Summary
Once a month on a special Sunday afternoon, children can work at tables in the old Garvin Cabin.
Themes vary each month:
Storytelling and make your own book.
Craft your own tools or inventions as we showcase artifacts from the History Center.
Mother's Day and Father's Day craft projects.
Pumpkins in the Park.
Game Day celebrated with Pioneer games.
Give your child a fun time to look forward to on various Sundays afternoons.
Also Occurs On
- Sunday, March 16
- Sunday, April 27
- Sunday, May 4
- Sunday, June 8
- Sunday, July 27
- Sunday, August 10
- Sunday, September 7