Women Settlers On Fountain Creek
April 11, 2025 11:00 AM –12:00 PM
Event Summary
Women Settlers on Fountain Creek along the Old Cherokee Trail.
How many stories have you heard about “ the first white child born here?” Quite frequently, the father was listed but not the mother.
This presentation will look at journals, newspaper accounts, census records and other official records to learn more about the women who came down the Cherokee Trail in pre-territorial days. Life on the trail presented special challenges as well as opportunities to women such as Mrs.Emma Middleton, Mrs. Laura Silsby Young and Mrs. Lizzie Jenks. The comings and goings of families in what became Fountain and Colorado City will add depth to what it was really like to settle here.
Nancy Princess delights in investigating “ rabbit hole history” to learn about family dynamics and migration patterns. She grew up East of Pueblo never understanding the stories behind place names such as Chivington and Boone. During her historical research she discovered that her own ancestors had traveled that famous Cherokee Trail. Hear her personal and the public story of women on the Cherokee Trail.
Also Occurs On
- Friday, April 11